Sunday, October 3, 2010

All the Troubles in the World by Isaac Asimov

        Isaac Asimov was born January 2, 1920 in the Soviet Union and past away April 6, 1992. He moved to the United States when he was eight and grew up in Brooklyn, New York. He attended the University of Columbia where he earned his PhD in chemistry which allowed him to teach Biochemistry at the University of Boston. Isaac is known for his science fiction stories many of which were about robots. Some of his most popular stories were I Robot and The Lucky Starr and the Moons of Jupiter.

 I think this picture represents the book because it shows a computer/robot doing work and in the book the big machine that controls the world does all our work for us. Although this picture doesn't show a machine doing the whole worlds work it is doing someones which is one step closer to Multivac theoretically speaking. 

  1. Why do Ali Othman and Rafe Leemy wait before telling Bernard Gulliman the whole truth? Are there actions believable considering the seriousness of the crime?
         I think they wait because they want to make sure they have all the facts before they jump to conclusions so there pitch is accurate. I think there actions are believable because since the crime is so severe and serious in this society they live in they had to make sure they had everything under control or at least be aware of every possibility.

  2. What evidence from the story tells you that Ben and the other characters see Multivac as a kind of god? What affect does their view have on the story's ending?
         Evidence from the story tells me that Ben thinks of Multivac as if he were a god because when Multivac answered Ben's question Ben did exactly what he said with out question or hesitation. The characters in this story have full faith in Multivac that he will always have the right answer and do the right thing. The affect of there view has a huge impact on the end of the story because since all these people put so much faith in Multivac they never want to her that the source that they rely on to live and run there society wants to die.

  3. What does the ending suggest about the ability of technology to bring about a perfect world? Do you agree?
         The ending suggests that know matter how hard you try your perfect world will never last. You may have hope to build one up but there is no such thing as perfect when theirs a world filled versatile people. I agree with what the author's point is at the ending because if the human race relies on technology and the technology eventually fails are whole society will crumble.

  4. Would you like to live in a society in which there was a computer such as Multivac? How might it help the progress of society?
         I would not like to live in a society that is run by a computer because if we put all our faith in something soon we will not be able to do anything except trust in the computer that it will not fail and guide us through life. A computer may help the societies progress at first until the society does not need any more improving but with perfection creates new problems.

Critical Thinking:

i)Why do you think the author wrote the text?
I think the author wrote the text because he enjoys writing science-fiction and this is his perspective of the future or what he thinks the human race is leading to.
  1. What does the author want you to think?
    He wants us to think that computers can not take over the jobs of humans.
  1. Do you belong to any of the groups in the text?
    I think I am like Bernard because when i trust someone I will do what I can to help. In this case Multivac has given Bernard a task and since Bernard trust him so much he follows through with it.
  1. Does the story remind you of a real-life event (your own or others)?
    It reminds me of when I am working on the computer and then something goes wrong and my work deletes. This is like the book because the world relies on Multivac to get work done and if he wants to die he is going to delete the worlds work. 
v) Does the story remind you of another book or movie on a similar topic?
It reminds me of a movie called I-robot because in this movie robots are trying to take
over the world to protect man kind but really they are harming us.
  1. How does the story help you think about social issues and social justice?
    It helps me think of how people rely to much on computers and technology which is leading to a new way for pedophiles to connect with kids over the internet. This is a social issue because more kids are on the internet then ever before which is making it easier and easier for pedophiles to find them.
  1. What action might you take from what you have learned?
    I will try to not rely on technology to much.
    viii)What big question has this text left you with?
    When I go on the computer am I thinking of what I am putting on there as in information?