Sunday, October 3, 2010

North End Faust by Ed Kleiman

         Ed Kleiman was born in Winnipeg, Monatoba in 1932. Ed attended the University of Monatoba and the University of Toronto. While going to these schools he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Monatoba and a Master of Arts degree from the University of Toronto. He now works at the University of Manatoba teaching English. Some of his most famous story's are The World Beaters, A New Found Ecstasy, and The Immortals.

I chose this picture because I feel it represents the isolation room because it has know color and it is empty. This room closes off everything from the outside world and in this picture there is a camera just like in the book the window that allowed them to survey there volunteers. I think that the black dot in the middle of the room represents the button that the volunteer or Alex would press if they wanted out of the chamber.

  1. How early in life does Alex become a loner? What events lead him to this choice? For what other reasons might someone become a loner?
Alex starts to become a loner when he was a child because when he was younger his brother had locked him in a closet and ever since then he had thought that being alone nourished him and strengthened him. So the impact that his brother had on him by locking himself in a closet was for ever life changing. Other reasons why someone might want to become a loner would be that they don't have many friends or they have gone through something horrific in their life so they just want to be alone. Also people could be like Alex who just enjoy being by them self.

  1. What series of events leads to Alex's eventual breakdown? How might he have avoided this fate?
A series of events that lead to Alex's breakdown is when he spent two weeks in the chamber and started to loose a connection to the real world. That was the first event but the symptoms of him being scared of the isolation room are also a factor. It was when he couldn't even think of the isolation room with out freaking out was when he had finally cracked because all he wanted to do is find his perfect vacationing island that he had made up in the isolation room, but since he was loosing the connection between the darkness and real life that is what caused his death. How he might of avoided his fate would be to try and stay away from the darkness and isolation he had always confided in.
  1. What are some similarities and differences in the characters of Miss Hancock and Alex? How are their experiences similar/ different? Write a sentence that summarizes the central idea or theme for both “North End Faust” and “The Metaphor?”
A similarity between the two characters are that they both past away and they were both having to cope with something. A difference between the characters were that Alex was going insane and he could of prevented his death but Miss Hancock could not. There experiences are similar because the most important thing in there life has changed drastically. They have both become afraid or insecure about it. There experiences are different because Miss Hancocks struggle has to do with her and other people and Alex's struggle is him against his mind. The central idea for both the stories is that something that you love and is your perfect in your life always has a speed bump.

  1. What implications might the story have for someone who wants to become a scientist?
Some Implications the story might have had for someone who wants to be a scientist is to not become your work. Alex became his work and his mind was testing him, Alex failed and in this case it caused death. If people read this story they may be turned away from being a scientist because Alex's situation did not turn out so well, but there are many positives in becoming a scientist. For example in the story Alex achieved so much and got many awards. What Alex did wrong was surrounding him self in his work. It is always good to take a break and step back from your work.

Critical Thinking:

        1. Why do you think the author wrote the text?
I think he wrote the text because this is his point of view on how people react to isolation. I feel that maybe he thinks that if he had ever experienced isolation this severe he would handle it like Alex handled his isolation. So, the text could be his description of a scenario where he could go through isolation.

    ii)What does the author want you to think?
The author wants us to think about the consequences of isolation and the effects it could have on us mentally and physically. Whether we have a mental break down like Alex because of the effects of isolation or we physically break down where our body can not take the stress of isolation so it breaks down.

  1. Do you belong to any of the groups in the text?
No because most of the groups are open to isolation and they enjoy darkness. I am the type of person who enjoys the company of others and light. So, in a way I could be like Alex's wife because after a while she does not enjoy isolation and she sees a change in Alex. All though I never have liked isolation I think I am more like the wife at the end of the story because she enjoys the company of her children and people.

  1. Does the story remind you of a real-life event (your own or others)?
It reminds me of when I was younger because when I was younger I was afraid of the dark. I would have to turn on all the lights when I walked down the hallway. So, eventually I new I had to conquer my fear. Then one day I was getting ready for bed and I had to walk down the dark hallway. I couldn't turn on the lights because my parents were sleeping, so I built up my courage and walked down the hallway really tense. When I got to my room I didn't turn on the light I just stood in the room and I realized that it was all in my head. That was the first step for me on conquering my fear. 
  1. Does the story remind you of another book or movie on a similar topic?
It reminds me of a show where a psychiatrist would kill people by there worst fear and in this case a girls fear was darkness and isolation. She was murdered because she had such an irrational fear of darkness and isolation. This show relates to the story because the darkness weakened this girl mentally and physically. The difference between the book and the show was that she tried to conquer her fear but it turned out the help that she seeked out was trying to kill her.

  1. How does the story help you think about social issues and social justice?
It helps me think about those who get bullied and end up isolating them selves because the fear of coming out results in bullying. The affect of isolation will forever change the kids for there whole lives. Bullying causes many kids to isolate them selves and it is a big problem in today's society. Not only does it cause isolation but it also causes problems like explosive anger, insecurities, and hate. Hate is a big problem that bullying causes because if a kid is bullied they will eventually come to hate there bullier which causes trust issues and the kid that is bullied will never again be able to trust some one properly. This is a problem because relationships are built on trust. These are some of the issues caused by bullying that are often over looked.

  1. What action might you take from what you have learned?
I will think of a empty room and darkness differently. Instead of avoiding it I will try and see it as tranquility and peace. This would be difficult though because I do not enjoy isolation but I am not afraid of it which might help me to see it in a different light.

viii)What big question has this text left you with?
    If you are scared of something is the best option to try and conquer it or reason with it?


  1. It's Manitoba, not monatoba.

  2. add quotes and evidence to backup your statements

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