Wednesday, October 13, 2010

North End Faust project

North End Faust

Continuing from the beginning of the fifth paragraph on pg 89

His eyes were shifting madly looking for his escape route in the darkness. It was no where to be found. Alex stood up looking frantically around wanting to escape the isolation but he couldn't. He could not find the door. Alex thrashed his arms around knocking things over in front of him and on the walls. No matter how hard he tried he could not find his exit. Chills rampaged through his body and he could not see straight. Alex panicked under the stress of the isolation and grabbed a hard object on his desk. He hurled it at the darkness smashing the window forcing glass shards to shoot out in every direction. The smashed window let in a small stream of light allowing him to run to the window. Gripping the ledge he retracted his hands quickly to feel that his palms were soaking wet. As he clutched his hands against his body he tried to find his jacket through the mess of his panic. Unable to find it he retreated to a corner. Alex sat crouched holding his bloody hands in his lap. With his heart still raising and chills still crawling up his back he looked up.
The moon light coming through the broken window allowed him to vaguely see what used to be his study. His chair was thrown over, papers were every where, and his Certificates of his achievements hanging on the wall were smashed on the ground. He began to shake rapidly and sweat beads dripped down his face. Clutching his fists forced blood to flow out of his hands creating streams down his arms. Through his terror Alex could finally see the door. He was about to run towards it when a light flicked on outside the door that startled him. The door opened letting light cast on his ruined study. His wife walked in rushing towards him. She was trying to speak to him but he can not hear what she was saying. It is then when he realizes he was screaming at the top of his lungs.
Finally lowering his voice he began to hear his wife's cries. She was trying to calm him, but now silent, Alex sat wide eyed staring at the door way where stood his little boy, crying. His wife noticed his trance and turned around. She quickly got up and rushed to comfort and hold her little boy. She brought her boy up the stairs leaving Alex. Alex sat silently letting himself hear his wife and little boy walk up the stairs and into the bedroom. He was now alone again. The chills started crawling again he which made him stand up quickly to rush towards the door. Barely able to make one step Alex fell to the ground, passing out.
The next day he woke up with a jolt and he was awake. Looking around he realized he was in his room and his hands are wrapped in white bandages. Slowly Alex had out of bed and walked to his boys room. Their beds were made and the room was in pres-teen condition. Still confused in what was going on but could vividly remember the night before Alex walked down stairs to find note on the kitchen counter reading “Me and the boys have left and we are staying in a Hotel, last night was to much to handle. I'm sorry.” The letter was in his wife's hand writing. Alex was trying to process the note. Thoughts were scrambled in his brain when he realized, he had just lost his only ticket to the outside world. The darkness had won.

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